Monday, November 3, 2008

Pro Tour Berlin Results

First things first, here's the metagame breakdown for the entirety of the pro tour:

Deck # of players % of field
Zoo 126 27.75%
Elves 71 15.64%
Storm 39 8.59%
Next Level Blue 32 7.05%
Junk 27 5.95%
Faeries 25 5.51%
Death Cloud Rock 21 4.63%
Affinity 18 3.96%
All-In Red 17 3.74%
Burn 17 3.74%
Dredge 9 1.98%
Hulk Combo 5 1.10%
Life from the Loam Rock 5 1.10%
Tezzeret Control 5 1.10%
Bant Control 4 0.88%
Martyr Proclamation 4 0.88%
Second Breakfast 4 0.88%
Blue-Red Tron 4 0.88%
White-Blue Tron 4 0.88%
Bant Aggro 2 0.44%
Goblins 2 0.44%
Swans Combo 2 0.44%
Battle of Wits 1 0.22%
Beasts 1 0.22%
Belcher Combo 1 0.22%
Black-Green Rock 1 0.22%
White-Black Tokens 1 0.22%
Green-White Slide 1 0.22%
Rift Slide 1 0.22%
Seismic Loam 1 0.22%
Mono-Blue Control 1 0.22%
Mindlock Orb Control 1 0.22%
Blue-Black Tron 1 0.22%

Now we all knew that Zoo is gonna be the biggest deck out there, but Elves is definitely the big surprise here. I think in the magic online league Extended tournaments which i talked some about a few ago, Elves comprised one top 8 deck total. And suddenly here it is in full force as the second most popular deck in the pro tour.

On a side note, Magic writing done by the pros themselves is a little fucked up. Elves was never even considered once in any of the articles I read over at the official site or at Star City Games, but obviously that whole community knew about it and how good it was. They were waiting until after the Pro Tour just to be like whoops, sorry we didn't tell you guys that! Its like when Time Spiral first came out, Flores hyped a bunch of decks which he considered to be decks to beat for that tournament. So he went on about how good solar flare was and R/B aggro and such, only to show up to the tournament with a deck he crafted himself designed to beat the meta game which he singlehandedly formed. But whatever I digress...

Anyways lets look at the top 8 shall we:

6 Elves Combo
1 Tezzeret Control
1 Faeries

Wow. Elves dominated the whole tournament. Here is Luis Scott Vargas' list that won:


1 Mycoloth

1 Nullmage Shepherd

2 Viridian Shaman

4 Thoughtseize

2 Thorn of Amethyst

4 Umezawa's Jitte

1 Pendelhaven

15 cards

So yeah, Elves is now the best deck in extended. Excuse me while I go kill myself...