Saturday, September 27, 2008

Extended Extinctions Part 2

Urrggh I'm sober and at work, this depresses me. If only I had some more vicodin, but alas, let us continue.

The Rock: The deck retains all of its solid mid-range creatures like Doran, Tarmogoyf, and Loxodon Heirarch. However it loses some of its most valuable disruption tools in Duress, Cabal Therapy, and Vindicate. These can be replaced with Oblivion Ring and Thoughtseize, but neither of these are as good as the original. The deck is still good and will be played, its just weaker. Also, Pernicious Deed rotates... sadface

Next Level Blue: In terms of the actual rotation of this only really loses Force Spike. However, Sensei's Diving Top is now officially banned in Extended. So its Counterbalance-Top super disruption combo is now over. Trinket Mage can still search for some bombs like Engineered Explosives and Pithing Needle, but the main force behind this deck is gone. I expect to still see it around since it retains amazing control cards like Vedalken Shackles, Threads of Disloyalty, Crytic Command, and Remand, but like the Rock it'll just be significantly weaker.

Enduring Ideal: This deck loses Solitary Confinement, which was its main defensive card which made the deck actually work. Burning Wish is also gone, and there is no good tutor to replace it. Sensei's Diving Top was also huge in setting up the draw needed to Enduring Ideal and win. I don't expect this deck to survive... at all.

Goblins: Don't get me wrong, Goblins will still be a decent deck post rotation, especially with all of the good Goblin cards Lorwyn added to the mix (such as Frogtosser Banneret and Earwig Squad). Goblin Ringleader (Amazing Card Draw) and Goblin Matron (Amazing Tutor) both rotate out, making it much harder for Goblins to come back if they are under pressure.

Next post, Ill cover which decks barely got hurt by the rotation. Also, I'm in the process of trying to find a way to auto-link cards. Hopefully I'll be able to remedy that problem soon. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go try to find a pill of some sort to eat. Yum!

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