Monday, October 13, 2008

Metagame Breakdown thus far...

I mentioned last week that there had been a series of Post-Rotation Extended tournaments taking place on Magic Workstation. While the metagame won't entirely be shaped until Pro Tour Berlin, here is a quick glimpse on what the metagame is shaping out to be thus far:

Aggro: 30%

Zoo – 4

WW -1

Burn – 5

Goblins -1

Sea Stompy – 1

Elves – 1

Boros -1

Affinity -2

Mid-Range: 15%

Doran – 8

Control: 25%

Death Cloud – 3

New level Blue – 6

Faeries – 3

Tron -1

Combo: 30%

Dues Red – 5

Bubble Hulk – 2

Belcher – 1

Swath Storm – 4

Swans - 4

Hmmmm... well first thing I want to say is that some of these deck archetypes are a bit off. For instance, some versions of Swans play like a control deck and just have a a combo as the finisher. The Dues decks work as both a combo deck accelerating into a first or second turn giant creature, or a more mid range deck with ritual powered out land disruption.

With that out of the way a few things. One, over half the field is fast aggro and combo. Cards like chalice of the Void and Trinisphere are looking to be really good in this format. Affinity is not being the powerhouse it was supposed to be this season, but thats probably because people are expecting it in large numbers right now. A few players will definitely be able to squeeze a top finish in the upcoming season once all the affinity hype (and resulting sideboards) die down. Zoo is doing well, but not as well as I would expect, especially since everyone was praising the new Wild Nacatl as the card which was gonna put the deck over the top. Overall, nothing too unexpected is happening just yet (except for some awesome combos like Bubble Hulk and Belcher)

You can check out the wining decklists here:

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